What is the transit time between Busan Port and Los Angeles Port?

South Korea is one of the key success stories of export led growth economies.

South Korea's exports have reached to 559 billion USD in 2013 from 253 billion USD in 2004, which makes the South Korea 8th biggest exporting country in the world.

South Korea and US are close trading partners and international trade between these two nations has been increasing as well.

US is the 2nd biggest export market for the South Korean companies, while US is the 3rd importing partner country for South Korea market.

USA was the second-largest market for South Korean exports in year 2013, worth $62.3 billion. 

Also South Korea is a signifiant import market for the US exporters, whom exported 41 billion USD value goods and services in the same year. 

source: http://wits.worldbank.org/CountryProfile/Country/KOR/Year/2013/Summary

When you evaluate these foreign trade figures, you can realize that sea transportation between these two nations would be very big in numbers as overwhelming amount of the cargo transportation handled via sea freight between USA and South Korea.